Does your Embroidery have the correct thread tension?
The high tension thread (the base thread), and the low tension thread (the bobbin thread) is one of the various factors that makes your industrial or commercial CAMFive or any other embroidery machine to make a good embroider.
A good embroider depends on the following:
- A good digitized design (60%)
- A correctly calibrated embroidery machine (30%)
- Experience and expertise of the operator (10%)
Looking at our second reason for a good embroider, a common mistake most make is not having the proper tension for the embroidery machine’s threads, which affects your projects negatively and you face problems like these:
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Embroidery Machine operators with more experience that are familiar with CAMFive EMB or other brands can notice simply with touch if their machine is properly tensioned or not (they pull the thread with their finger to verify the resistance), but for beginners it is best to use a tool that allows the resistance to be measured. The tool needed is called a textile Dynamometer or textile tensometer, which measures with high precision and are special ones for high and low tension. You are able to find them through CAMFive EMB and other means:
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An actual correct tension setting doesn’t exist, it varies depending on the machines and the cloth to be embroidered upon, as well as the type of thread used (rayon, polyester or metallic) since the composition of the thread will determine the elasticity and the elasticity offers different resistances.
Variety by Brand or model: certain brands of different models of embroidery machines use different tension bases which makes each one to have different variety of tension settings between one another
Variety by type of cloth: There is rigid and soft cloth, some can stretch more than others and when embroidered upon with a too adjusted or too loose tension the material can wrinkle, forming waves or having loose ends.
Variety by the type of thread: When embroidering, sometimes you’ll need to use different types of thread such as polyester, rayon, metal fiber thread or special calibers of them, this makes the tension to vary, a good example is when the fiber metal threads are used, it ends up loosening the knobs, which makes it impossible to embroider with the same tension as other threads.
For a CAMFive EMB embroidery machine, we recommend using a tension between 100 and 120 grams depending on the factors listed above, but as said it can vary. Other machines can use tensions between 90 and 130 grams. To adjust the tension on your embroidery machine, you have to tighten or loosen the knobs until you reach the desired tension.
We recommend visiting our YouTube Channel to watch a tutorial video.